Myanmar Festivals
Myanmar is a Land of Festivals: a festival for every month of the year. Most festivals are cultural and religious. Majorities are nation-wide celebrated while a few are distinctly regional. The dates of the festivals and special events are determined by the Lunar Year.
FestivalsMyanmar is a Land of Festivals: a festival for every month of the year. Most festivals are cultural and religious. Majorities are nation-wide celebrated while a few are distinctly regional. The dates of the festivals and special events are determined by the Lunar Year.
- Kachin Manao Festival (MyitKyiNa, Kachin State)
- HtaMaNe Festival (nation wide)
- Ananda Pagoda Festival (Bagan)
- Shwe Settaw Pagoda Festival (Minbu, Magway)
- Maha Muni Pagoda Festival (Mahamuni Pagoda, Mandalay)
- Shwe Oo Min Pagoda Festival (Pindaya, Shan State
- Naga New Year Festival (15 January)
- Maw-tin-sun Pagoda Festival (Pathein, Ayarwaddy Division)
- Indaw Gyi Pagoda Festival (Kachin State)
- Pindaya Cave Pagoda Festival (Shan State)
- Chinese New Year
- Shwedagon Pagoda Festival (Yangon)
- Shwe Mawdaw Pagoda Festival (Bago)
- ShinPyu Novistation Ceremonies (nation wide)
- ThinGyan (Water) Festival (nation wide)
- Myanmar New Year’s Day (nation wide)
- Popa Nat or Spirit Festival (Mount Popa)
- Kason Full moon Day (Watering of the Sacred Bo Tree Festival (nation wide)
- Taung-yo Torchlight Procession Festival (Pindaya, Shan State)
- Nayone Festival of Tipitaka (nation wide)
- Waso Full moon Day or Dhamma Setkya Day (nation wide)
- Taung Pyone Nats or Spirits Festival (Taung Pyone, Mandalay)
- Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda Festival (Inlay Lake, Shan State)
- Performing Arts Competition (Yangon)
- Thadin Gyut Festival of Lights (nation wide)
- Kyauk-Se Elephant Dance Festival (Kyauk-Se, Mandalay)
- Shwe Zigon Festival (Bagan)
- Tazaung Dine Festival of Lights (nation wide)
- Kyaik Hti Yo Pagoda (Golden Rock) Festival (Kyaik Hto, Mon State)
- Hot Air Balloons & Fireworks Festival (Taunggyi, Shan State)
- Ka-Htein Thin-Gan (Yellow Robe) Weaving Festival (nation wide)
- 9000 Lighting of Candles (Koe Htat Gyi Pagoda)
- Kayin New Year
- Harvesting Festival of Hill Tribes
- Christmas
Some festivals like Myanmar Traditional Equestrian Festival and Myanmar Traditional Boat Regatta are held in Yangon and Traditional Bullock Cart Festival in Mandalay every 2 or 3 years.
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Myanmar, richly endowed by nature, is one of the most exotic countries in the world with a great diversity in landscape and sights of breathtaking beauty. It has a rich cultural heritage and there exist many historical monuments and religious edifices ...
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